
Checkpoints 1-5: 20% Total (4% each)
Milestones 1-3: 25% Total (8.33% each)
Responsible Robotics Short-form essays: 10% total
Journal Updates 1-5: 20% Total (4% each)
Final Project Demo and Report: 25% Total

Integration and Optimization will be key: each milestone involves integrating previous checkpoints, and offer an opportunity to improve upon past performance by optimizing the approach.

Teaching and Learning in the Age of COVID

We are committed to providing the necessary resources, time, and considerations to help everyone excel in the course. To this end, we would like to suggest the following:

  • We understand that availability may be hard during disruptions
    Please let us know if you are unable to make it to class.
  • Please share ideas for technological solutions
    If you have ideas for additions to course infrastructure, or useful third-party tools, please share with the class!
  • Please attend class, and participate in the discussions
    Both online and in-person options will be available for the duration of the semester. We all learn a lot more from discussions than just passive lectures!
  • When attending class remotely, please share your video
    Non-verbal cues are an important part of social communication, and seeing each other helps us all feel a little bit less isolated.
  • Disruptions are normal when attending remotely
    Working from home is hard, and it is completely okay to be interrupted by kids, family members, partners, and pets.

COVID-19 Resources

These resources are adapted from the instructional FAQs for instructors, accessed 8/22/2021

Academic Honesty

  • All work that you submit must entirely be your own team’s work.
  • You may discuss the algorithms for the homework with other students, but all code, written solutions, and mathematical derivations that you turn in must be your team’s alone.
  • If you referred to an online, printed, or otherwise external resource to solve a problem, you must cite it in your writeup. If you reproduce matter from a resource without citing it, it will be considered plagiarism.
  • Engaging in academic dishonesty will result in a failing grade in the course. Since such dishonesty harms the individual, all students, and the integrity of the University, policies on academic dishonesty will be strictly enforced. For further information, please visit the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity website at: