
Your grade in this course is based on five assignments, and a final project. The final project will be conducted in groups of up to two members each. Details on the project will be discussed in class.

Academic Honesty

  • All work that you submit must entirely be your own individual work.
  • You may discuss the algorithms for the homework with other students, but all code and written solutions that you turn in must be yours alone.
  • If you referred to a resource to solve a problem, you must cite it in your writeup. Be careful when doing this: if a homework asked you to calculate X, and you cite a resource for how to do that, you will get 0 credit. If you use a resource without citing it, it will be penalized as academic dishonesty.

Rest assured that violations will be caught, and dealt with swiftly by assigning a failing grade.

Late Homework

Each homework is assigned ample time to work on, including enough leeway to permit priority-based scheduling of your deadlines. Late homework will not be accepted. If you have extenuating circumstances (e.g. medical reasons or other unavoidable situations), please talk to the instructor before the due date for the homework.